Office of Dr. Brittne Murray
Licensed Professional Counselor
Westminster, Colorado
​Call Today: 303.522.1537​
LifeJourney Counseling Services will help you discover the
understanding and confusion, hope and despair."
Welcome to Life Journey Counseling Services, LLC
Office of Brittne Murray, PhD, LPC | Westminster, Colorado
As a counselor for over 25 years, I have dedicated my life to helping individuals find success, understanding, and hope in life. Through my compassionate, authentic, and non-judgmental approach to counseling and mental health, let me help you find way through life's struggles. It is my hope that with my services, you will improve your overall quality of life and experience in daily functioning.
"The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
~Victor Frankl
Call Today:
Life Journey Counseling Services, LLC
Dr. Brittne Murray, LPC
2010 W. 120th Avenue, 101
Westminster, CO 80234